Omega Dream

Nigel Hamilton



Nigel Hamilton ist Gründer und Leiter des Centre for Counselling and Psychotherapy Education in London (CCPE).


Er lehrt Psychotherapie aus spiritueller Sicht und sieht Meditation und spirituelle Lehren vor dem Hintergrund der Psychologie.



Nächstes Seminar mit Nigel Hamilton im Sufi Zentrum Omega



Die Arbeit mit deinen Träumen, eine spirituelle Perspektive


6. - 8. September 2024, Khanqah Inayatiya


The following texts are transcriptions of the two weekend seminars Nigel Hamilton gave in 2004 at the Sufi Camp in the Swiss Alps. Titles have been added by the transcriber. Nigel is planning to edit the transcriptions in due time in order to make them ready for publication. In the meantime, he accepts responsibility for any errors.


At the seminar, held at Camp Zenith 2002, the stations of the alcaemical prozess of transformation were examined. Meditation exercices were given in context of the dreams so that guidance through dreams became conscious.



Sufi teachings
Journey through the spheres of consciousness

Seminar at Camp Zenith 2002


Artikel auf Deutsch von Nigel Hamilton

Der alchemistische Prozess der Transformation

Träume im Retreat: Neue transpersonale Forschung


Article in Englisch by Nigel Hamilton

The alchemical process of transformation

Retreats, dreams: new transpersonal research

All Transcripts by Ursina Fried-Turnes


Omega Dream - Traumarbeit im Sufi Zentrum Omega